Advantages Biofertilizer What It Is And Pros and Cons Why To Use It
About Biofertilizer

What is Biofertilizers
Biofertilizers use living organisms to improve soil health and the growth of plants and seeds.
But they are not technically an actual fertilizer since they do not directly add nutrients to your soil.
Unlike synthetic fertilizers, biofertilizers do not just add nutrients to the soil but aid in improving the fertility of the soil.
The living organisms are not the source of nutrients but instead help the plants access nutrient availability in the rhizospheric region.
There are three primary forms of biofertilizers in use Bacteria, Fungi, and actinomycetes.
Biofertilizers work by modifying essential nutritional elements from non-usable to highly assimilable forms. As a result, they perform the process without any harmful effects on the natural environment.[2]
What Are The Advantages of Biofertilizers?
The Pros of Biofertilizer
- 1) Sustainability
- 2) Affordability
- 3) Improved Soil
- 4) Improved Plant Growth and Harvest
- 5) Eco Friendly
- 6) No Adverse Effect on Plant Growth or Soil Fertility
- 7) Control and Inhibit Pathogenic Soil Bacteria
- 8) Increase Beneficial Micro-Organisms in the Root Region
- 9) Reduces Requirement on Chemical Fertilizers
- 10) Relatively Easy to Apply
- 11) Can get Created From Biogas Byproduct that we use to generate electricity.
- 12) Can Reduce Need for Pesticide Sprays
Biofertilizers get primarily created from plant and microbial origin. Biogas production and algae provide large amounts of organic matter that can get used for developing biofertilizers.
Reducing the number of traditional fertilizers and pesticides farmers have to use makes adding biofertilizer a cost-effective solution.
Improved Soil
The Microbes in biofertilizers provide atmospheric nitrogen directly to your plants.
The growth of external hyphae creates a better structure for holding soil particles together.
Biofertilizers will help to reduce compaction while increasing aeration and water infiltration.[3] Improving the soil texture, structure, and holding capacity.
Improved Plant Growth and Harvest
Biofertilizers make more nutrients in the soil available to our crops.
The beneficial microbes we add to our soil multiply and help to participate in the nutrient cycling, increasing the productivity of our crops.
Biofertilizers have been shown to increase crop production by up to 30 percent.
Eco Friendly
Biofertilizers get made up of organic plant material, making them friendly for the environment.
The fact farmers can also reduce the use of pesticides and chemical nutrients by around 50 percent helps the environment even further.
No Adverse Effect on Plant Growth or Soil Fertility
Studies have shown that using liquid fertilizer Rhizobium Azospirillum, Azotobacter can enhance the height of a plant. Its number of leaves, Shoot length, Root length, number of roots, root nodules, and biochemical constituents such as Chlorophyll, carbohydrates, Protein Carotenoids.[8]
Control and Inhibit Pathogenic Soil Bacteria
It has been shown that biofertilizers promote plant root growth and protect plants from different soil-borne pathogens.[7]
By modifying the soil microecology and secreting antifungal antibiotics, they decrease the risk of soil-borne diseases.[54]
Increase Beneficial Micro-Organisms in the Root Region
Biofertilizers help in the multiplication and survival of beneficial micro-organisms in the root region (rhizospheric bacteria).[4]
Reduces Requirement on Chemical Fertilizers
The microorganisms put in biofertilizers build soil while restoring its natural nutrient cycle. In addition, these microorganisms can safely convert the complex organic matter to simple compounds, making them available for our plants to use.[5]
Relatively Easy to Apply
While some biofertilizers do require equipment, others are relatively easy to apply.[6]
Can get Created From Biogas Byproduct that we use to generate electricity.
The leftovers from biogas production can get reused to help make biofertilizers.
What Are The Disadvantages of Biofertilizers?
The cons of Biofertilizers
- 1) Limited Increase in Crop Production
- 2) The Efficiency of Microbial Fertilizer Depends on Soil Characteristics
- 3) Not Substitute for Chemical Fertilizers
- 4) Specific Fertilizers are Required for Specific Crops
- 5) Contamination of Microbial Mass Production
- 6) Microbes are Light Sensitive
- 7) Short Shelf Life
- 8) Strong Distinctive Odour
- 9) Loose Effectiveness in Soil that is too Hot or Dry
- 10) Large Quantities Are required
Limited Increase in Crop Production
While we can see up to a 30 percent increase in plant growth, It will not be as effective if not under the right conditions.
Most farmers who add biofertilizers still use synthetic fertilizers but at lower doses to maximize their harvest.
Not Substitute for Chemical Fertilizers
To provide immediate nutrients to a plant, synthetic fertilizers are still the best choice for farmers.
These allow a farmer to provide a specific nutrient to the plants immediately, allowing correction of any plant deficiencies.
Specific Biofertilizers are Required for Specific Crops
Specific crops need specific fertilizers, specifically with symbiotic micro-organisms.
If non-specific Rhizobium gets used as fertilizer, it will not lead to root nodulation and increase crop production.[4]
Contamination of Microbial Mass Production
The production process requires strict aseptic precaution. Contamination in microbial mass production is still a common issue.
Microbes Are Light Sensitive
If biofertilizers get exposed to sunlight for a length of time, they begin to die off.
Short Shelf Life
Since biofertilizers are alive, they require special care for long-term storage.
We must use them before their expiration date, six months after production, when stored at room temperature. If you keep them at chilling temperature, they need to get used within two years.
Most biofertilizers have a powerful and distinctive odor.
Loose Effectiveness in Soil that is too Hot or Dry
The efficiency of microbial fertilizer depends on moisture and warmth. When these factors are unfavorable microbial fertilizer may not be effective in enhancing soil fertility.
The efficiency of Microbial Fertilizer Depends on Soil Characteristics.
Moisture and warmth are not the only requirements that can alter efficiency. The pH, organic matter, and types of micro-organisms already present in the soil determine how efficient it is.
Large Quantities Are Required
The soil must contain adequate nutrients for biofertilizer organisms to thrive and work.
If other microorganisms contaminate the carrier medium or if growers use the wrong strain, they are not as effective.
Caution In The Use Of Bio-Fertilizers
- 1) Never mix bio-fertilizers with nitrogen fertilizers.
- 2) Never apply bio-fertilizers with fungicides.
- 3) Never expose bio-fertilizers to sunlight directly.
- 4) Bio-fertilizers get stored at room temperature, not below O C and above 35C
- 5) Do not keep the used solution overnight (17).
Adding biofertilizers is a helpful way to help reduce reliance on synthetic fertilizers.
You can use up to 50 percent less Chemical fertilizers (NPK) by inoculating the soil with microbial consortia with no adverse effects on growth, nutrition, or yield.
Biofertilizers can help us to combat contamination from the overuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Overuse of fertilizers and pesticides is one of the most significant problems agriculture is currently facing.
Biofertilizers are gaining momentum in agriculture because of their ability to maintain soil health and reduce environmental pollution. They are also helping reduce the number of harmful chemicals that we need to use in crop production.
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