Everything About Superphosphate Fertilizer
Your Superphosphate Fertilizer Guide

Superphosphate is the original(first) chemical fertilizer used to increase the fruiting and blooming of our plants.
Superphosphate fertilizer was developed around 1840 and was initially made from bonemeal and sulfuric acid. Later the process was altered and made from rock phosphate ore by treatment with sulfuric acid.[1]
Using this process creates ordinary superphosphate. More commonly known as single superphosphate and is 0-20-0-11S.
What is triple superphosphate fertilizer?
Today most superphosphate fertilizer is Rock phosphate treated with phosphoric acid. Using this process creates triple superphosphate, also called concentrated superphosphate. Triple superphosphate has a grade of 0-46-0 and contains no sulfur.[1]
Superphosphate Fertilizer Uses
- 1) Whether you want more tomatoes, bigger and more bountiful roses, or any crop production, superphosphate can increase your chances of success.
- 2) Single superphosphate is reputable for increasing root development and helping plant sugars move around more efficiently for quicker ripening.
- 3) Common to use for the promotion of larger flowers and more fruits.
- 4) There are two main commercially available types of superphosphate. Regular (or single) superphosphate and triple superphosphate are available.
- 5) Both get derived from an insoluble mineral phosphate which gets activated into a soluble form by an acid.
- 6) Single superphosphate is 20 percent phosphorus. In comparison, triple superphosphate is around 48 percent.
- 7) Use for vegetables, bulbs and tubers, blooming trees, fruits, roses, and other flowering plants.
How to Use Superphosphate Fertilizer
How to Apply Superphosphate
If using a granular formula, you need to dig a small hole to the level of the root line. Fill in with equal amounts of fertilizer. Doing this will help to limit damage to the roots and is more efficient than broadcasting.
One handful of a granular formula is approximately 1 ¼ ounce (35 gr.). If you prepare the soil before planting, use 5 pounds per 200 square feet (2.27 k. per 61 square m.).
If you perform annual applications, use ¼ to ½ cup per 20 square feet (284 to 303 g. per 6.1 square m.).
When you are applying granules, make sure that none of it sticks to the leaves. Make sure to water in the fertilizer thoroughly, so it stays in your soil. It would help if you also gave the plants a quick rinse with water to remove any traces they may have attached to the leaves.
Superphosphate Fertilizer Manufacturing Process
How is superphosphate fertilizer made?
Superphosphate fertilizer uses a complicated process and must get correctly done to limit the amount of waste produced.
Raw phosphate rock and an appropriate percentage of sulfuric acid and water are mixed, creating a chemical reaction resulting in superphosphate fertilizer.
The chemical reaction releases chemicals into the air and must get done with the proper equipment. Any released chemicals into the atmosphere add to air and water pollution and should only get created in facilities with equipment to capture these chemicals.
Superphosphate Fertilizer Advantages and Disadvantages
Superphosphate Fertilizer Pros
- 1) Improves the plant's metabolism.
- 2) Helps to contribute to the development and strengthening of the root system.
- 3) Accelerates both the flowering and fruiting period.
- 4) Can improve the quality and quantity of the crop.
Superphosphate Fertilizer Cons
- 1) Overfertilization is a common problem when using synthetic fertilizers.
- 1) Air and water pollution can result from using and manufacturing these fertilizers.
- 1) Can harm beneficial microorganisms living in the soil.
- 1) When there is excess phosphorus, it can easily find its way into our water systems through storm drains and plumbing.
- 1) Can cause the soil to acidify.
Superphosphate Fertilizer Composition
Superphosphate fertilizer ratio
single superphosphate and is 0-20-0-11S.
Dicalcium superphosphate is the next grade, which contains anywhere from 35 to 38 percent phosphate.
Triple superphosphate has a grade of 0-46-0 and contains no sulfur.
When to Use Superphosphate
While superphosphate is excellent to increase blooming and fruiting, it is also helpful to add during planting since it helps promote root formation.
Soluble phosphorus fertilizers are subject to a troublesome phenomenon known as Fixation.
When soluble phosphorus fertilizers get applied to soil, chemical reactions cause the phosphorus to revert to form not usable to growing plants.[2]
Because of fixation, we need to apply the fertilizer approximately every 4 to 6 weeks during the growing season.
Superphosphate fertilizer is available as a granular and also a liquid. Being available in these forms allows us to choose between using it as a soil application, foliar spray, and water to provide the nutrients to the plant when watering.
Watch out for the Ph of your soil. Superphosphate fertilizer is known to cause the soil to acidify. Adding something like lime can help you to restore the soil Ph levels to their needed range.
Should You Use Superphosphate Fertilizers
Superphosphate Fertilizer is the original chemical fertilizer and has been getting used for almost 200 hundred years.
It is a helpful product to help stimulate root growth and create larger yields and harvests. It has a long track record of proven success.
While the fertilizer works fine for its purpose, I'm not too fond of the waste created in the manufacturing process. I think that sticking to organic fertilizers is usually the best choice.
Organic fertilizers are more environmentally friendly. We do not need to worry about the added chemicals getting released into our air and water, as can happen with superphosphate fertilizers.
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